Join my 6-week program to learn how to eat more vegan (and gluten-free) ...with a focus on FUN well as on mindset and on discovering helpful tips and techniques... and doing actual cooking!! You've got this!!

"Almost Vegan...for A More Magical Life"

Join this 6-week program and walk away feeling energized and empowered, with healthier eating habits, and with the knowledge and creativity to adapt recipes and produce new dishes. Tasty dishes that are vegan, gluten-free, or both! And you'll have a supportive guide and community to make all of this FUN!!

If you're waiting for a sign, this is it!! :)

Click the link below so we can welcome you on the inside!

“I’m passionate about helping people make eating healthy easy, interesting, and fun!”

After having decided to go vegetarian, and then being diagnosed with multiple “masked food allergies” many years ago, Lisbet felt a sense of despair and frustration. Not having the resources available to help her navigate this new terrain, she researched and experimented extensively, attempting to adapt favorite recipes and trying new grains, spices, and ways of preparing food. Being curious and trying different ethnic dishes opened up a whole new world of ingredients and taste sensations. Having reframed her perspective, and now seeing these food choices as “an adventure”, Lisbet is now passionate about helping others make their switch to healthier eating habits easier, more interesting, and FUN!

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